Cue the victorious! I'm done, folks! I took my last little while pill of INH this morning. It felt good rattling that little prescription pill bottle, with NOTHING in it...real good in fact.
As I now reflect over the last 9 months and what has happened, I have learned a few things.
1) As much of a bummer as it can be, just take care of yourself while you can. Having latent TB isn't THAT big of a deal, but other things are, so why not prevent when and where you can.
2) Maybe not latent TB, but active TB is a pretty serious thing and should definitely be dealt with. I see the little ladies around this city, wearing masks, especially on the buses, and as silly as they look, they KNOW what's up. They know disgusting viral little things are just chillin' on the hand rails and peoples' cough juices are just lingering in the air. Those wise old kooks are on to something and because I have fallen victim to those lingering cough juices, I now know, too.
3) Alcohol doesn't necessarily have to be avoided at ALL costs while taking INH. I had my blood drawn twice, once before, and once half way, to make sure my liver could tolerate the medication. And let's just say when I wanted to have a drink or two, I most certainly did have a drink or two. I would just make sure you don't have pre-existing liver issues.
4) I now know kind of a lot about TB. That's cool. A friend of mine just came to me, telling me how is brother has recently been diagnosed as having been exposed to TB and referred his brother to my blog...awesome. If I had cool stuff to give away for referrals, I most certainly would.
5) Once exposed to TB, you always "have" it. I underwent a 9 month treatment to decrease the chances of my exposure developing into Active TB. I pretty much now can never have a PPD test again, without some gnarly reaction. From now on, if someone wants to test me for TB, I have to have an x-ray taken. I have never been into needles anyways, so avoiding them when I can maybe not so much of a bad thing.
Thank you, Readers, for sticking around, even when I was a major suck-face and neglected to update you on what's going on. I hope you learned something along this 9 month journey. I am not sure I can really continue writing in this blog, even if I wanted to, anymore. I won't have any TB treatment updates. Well, we'll see.
Moody but TB Infected