Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just Checking In

Good morning TB Treatment followers.

I am NOW officially over half way. I am almost through week 18 of the 36.
So far, things are still the same. Something new will be happening next month, though. Soon after my monthly appointment with the NP, I will be having blood work done, to make sure my liver hasn't gone all wonky from the INH. I think this will also be a good indicator if the amounts of alcohol I DO drink have been detrimental. Yes, I know I said I am not supposed to drink while taking INH. But I AM a responsible adult and I know exactly what moderation is all about. Come next month, though, I will know if my moderation is just too much.

Now, for all your entertainment, a little something I found to be VERY appropriate for this rainy day.

That's funny, a monkey riding a dog.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Today is Day 124 and I'm Dumb

Good morning and happy Friday to you all!
Surprised to see me? Probably.

So, turns out I don't know math and am not not actually half way through my treatment until next week. A loyal reader pointed out to me my math was a little off. So, today is day 124, and in 2 days, I will officially be halfway. Now THAT is music to my ears.

Any plans for anyone this weekend? I think it is supposed to rain in my neck of the woods, so I may hunker down and just relax, for once.

I hope ALL are well. Please stayed tuned.

Moody but almost half TB Infected

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 123 Update

I know, I know, I have TOTALLY been sucking in the blog department. I guess I have been a little checked out in updating with my TB treatment recently.

Let's do a quick update:
I am still taking my INH treatment WITH the multivitamin.

Last week I saw the NP for my monthly check-up. She said everything is looking fine and that next month I will be having blood work, to make sure my liver is still in good form, after taking the INH.

I still have not missed a day, yet. This always seems to surprise the NP, and I don't know why. I must come off as irresponsible, or something? Little does she know, I am ALMOST as Type A and anal as they get. Yeah, I am a list maker.
Today is day 123, cool.

This is week 17 of 36, awesome. I am OVER halfway.

Love, Moody but TB Positive

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back Back to Cali Cali

I like that song.

Anyways, I am back. This post will be far from ground moving though. I am pretty busy with work this week, so can't spend a whole lot of time going into what an amazing job I did on staying on top of my INH and multivitamine pill taking while on vacation and holiday.

I haven't done the math yet, but I may be pretty dang close to being half way. Thank goodness.

Thank you readers for staying with me. I hope everyone had great holidays. Happy 2010!

Here's to a year filled with much happiness, health, and let's not kid ourselves, wealth.

Tata for now,
Moody but TB Infected