Thursday, February 18, 2010

Getting Crunchy, and by that I Mean, Hippifying Myself

Hello all,
Thought I would write a quick note, just checking in. I am STILL on the latent TB meds. I don't think I have missed a day, yet. I ALMOST did this past weekend, though. I ended up taking my daily pill much later than I normally would have. Scary? I think so.
I think I am going to go back, though, and check that I haven't missed a day. It will take some skilled math to figure it out, but I know I can do it. I just bought some new multivitamins to continue taking. This batch isn't nearly as fun as my last. The last were chewable and orange flavored. The new stuff is gross and it is like swallowing horse pills. I only got 3 months worth. I am sure it will go by in a flash. After this Friday I will be having some blood work done, to make sure everything is still in order. I probably should have had this done at least a month ago, but the NP isn't always on her A game. Really no surprise there. Oh well.

On a lighter note, I haven't washed my hair for 1 whole month. I have read that shampoo can be super damaging to your hair and strip it of all natural oils. So instead of cutting back on the shampoo sessions, I just stopped completely. I guess I am an "all or nothing kind of person," nothing in between. After about 2 weeks of being a super big fat grease-ball, my hair has finally neutralized and looks decent. I have read accounts where people's hair looks better than amazing. Yeah, I am not there yet. Maybe come week 5 it will. Anyways, fun little experiment. Definitely worth trying, if you can.
The first 2 weeks are down right disgusting, though. You have been warned. There are home remedies, though, that you can use in place of shampoo and conditioners. I have been using those. I am sure my roommates are wondering why there is a box of baking soda and apple cider vinegar in our bathroom. Whatever. Could be other stuff lingering in the bathroom, if you catch my drift. No pun intended. That was TOO easy!!!

I'm out.

1 comment:

Rebecca Moody said...

"Getting Crunchy". My Grandmother, your great great grandmother washed her hair twice a year. She combed her hair 100 times a day with talcum powder and a" fine tooth" comb.(find one of those). She was immaculately clean and I can still smell lilacs when I think about her. You come from a long line of hippies. Love GD