Thursday, November 5, 2009

Monthly Check-Up

Good morning, loyal, faithful, good looking readers! I just got back from my 2nd monthly appointment with the NP. If this NP sounds familiar, but you can't quite pin it, she is the one that so artistically relayed TB and its symptoms to me in this little something.

This was just a check-up to make sure I'm not having an adverse effects of the medication. It is pretty standard when being treated with INH. When asked if I had missed any treatment doses, she was visibly shocked when I told her I hadn't. Really, NP, you're shocked?! I'm not building a rocket that requires daily intricate recalibration or anything. I am just taking an INH pill and a multivitamin. I didn't tell her that! To be honest, I think someone like me, with things pretty together, shocks her. Her head is all over the place sometimes.

Anyway, all is well and I can only hope the same for you all, readers.

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