Wednesday, October 7, 2009

An Atmosphere that Could Kill

There is a BIG audit at work on Friday. It is actually a pretty big deal, and a lot could be at stake, if things go badly. I really don't suspect they will, but that is because of my very calm demeanor this week.

As people around me are stressed and freaking out, I am staying calm. I HAVE TO. For my well being, of course. Stress can be very detrimental to someone's health and can weaken the immune system's response, causing someone to get sick. That is why a lot of people get sick after stressful periods (ie: college finals). Let's just say I never got sick in college.

My latent TB could develop into active and I cannot let that happen. Because TB is the most harmful in weak immune responsive individuals, stress could be a really bad thing. I am not worrying myself in a frenzy one bit. This sounds a lot like college actually. I am staying calm for my health. *You think I WANT to be this calm, while everyone else is running amok? I have to be in tip-top condition when the auditing group does their site visit this week. I have to mentally be my strongest. All I can do is diligently take my daily medication and stay completely calm and in control. I am doing everyone a favor.

Everyone, stay calm, in control, and healthy.

*I was freaking a few months ago.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I didn't realize job apathy was a health benefit.Good insight. Maybe it will become part of the proposed health care plan..