Saturday, September 5, 2009

Breathing was Hard

I am in the process of getting ready to go on a bike ride in prepping for a triathlon I have coming up in the next couple weeks. I hope my TB doesn't affect my performance in training or racing.

Come to think of it, I did a ride the other day, doing hill repeats, and I was breathing REALLY hard when getting to the top. They were pretty steep hills in the mountain's defense. It also was a pretty warm day out, too. But that is besides the point. I wonder if having latent TB has anything to do with it. (Keep in mind, I have no active symptoms of TB.)

So the game plan for starting the preventative treatment is...
1. Next week talk to the NP to get a prescription for this INH
2. The week after next start treatment (the 14th or 15th)

Typically when taking INH people will have "baseline blood work" done to make sure your liver can handle the possible toxicity of the INH treatment. I had mine done when I had my chest x-ray back in August. Also, during treatment one may have a a few more blood tests done, to make sure your liver is handling the treatment alright. That is why it is suggested that drinking be majorly decreased or stopped while on treatment. It puts even more stress on your already hard working liver.

I better get on this if I don't want to maybe breath hard after another challenging workout again!

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