Wednesday, September 23, 2009

From the Audience

Below is a *question I received from one of my **many faithful readers.

Dear Moody but TB Infected,
You seem so blase' about being diligent with taking your TB "meds". Why don't you just discontinue and save yourself some unnecessary trouble?

TB Curious

Excellent question TB Curious. The reason I shouldn't stop taking the treatment is because a drug tolerance could develop. This could become a serious complication, especially if I were to develop active TB. The TB would be resistant to the INH and possibly other drugs, therefore having no effect on eliminating the TB in my lungs and symptoms. Thanks for the enquiry TB Curious.

I will stay on top of my treatment, just so I don't have more serious issues in the future. Day 10 pill...Check

* Simulated pretend question
** By many I mean more than one, so...three

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As a follow -up question to TB Curious post I did have a question regarding drug interraction. If you decide to take the vaccine for Swine Flu,and have a drug interraction, would this increase your chances of contracting Swine Flu or TB. Also congrats on completing 5% of your recovery program...