Monday, September 28, 2009

History of the Blog

I'll bet there are a handful of you thinking the format of this blog sounds pretty familiar. You maybe just can't put your finger on it. You maybe even saw a movie on it. Well loyal readers, you may be thinking of The Julie/Julia Project. Did you just snap your fingers and say "Ah, that's it!"?

I will give a little background on the development of this blog, seeing that it is long overdue. My dad recently saw the new smash hit Julie and Julia (I loved this movie by the way!). It just so happened my TB diagnosis was right around the same time of him seeing this, so he thought it sounded like a good idea to blog about my 9 month preventative treatment. Because I am a believer in putting information out there for all to absorb and POSSIBLY learn from, I said sure.

Though my blog has some similarities to Julie Powell's, it does have ONE major difference. Moody but TB Infected is geared towards helping and preventing possible exposures to TB. I am writing this to the people who travel overseas, and to those who take public transportation on a regular basis. I am writing to the people who work in nursing homes or hospitals. I, by no means, am Julia Child , but I think spreading information about a potentially bad disease is just a touch more important than spreading the word about what a sucky cook you are. I'm not bashing, I'm just saying...

(image from:

It has been a good project to get into and knowing I have to write for the people, with updates on my treatment is enough motivation, besides work, to not only get out of bed, but also take my one pill a day. I am such a giver. Again, readers, you're welcome.

I took my day 14 pill this morning, for you, readers.


Unknown said...

Don't be afraid.........

Neil Kevin said...

The film is really good one.You have doing some hard to write here nice article for us.Keep it going without getting too much panic.

huile essentielle